Country Legends George Jones and Dale Watson Honored

George Jones Receives the Kennedy Center Honors:

The silver-toned devil, the greatest living country music singer George Jones received the Kennedy Center Lifetime Achievement Medal this week for giving country music 50+ years of his life, and counting. George hasn’t missed a step either, despite the drug abuse and brushes with the law. He’s completely sober now, and witty as ever.

There’s a great article by the Washington Post about George Jones HERE , and you can also check out a picture gallery of his career HERE.

Pure Gold:

Dale Watson Wins a REAL CMA Award:

The REAL CMA results are in and whether your nominees won or not, I think we can all agree this was a great way to give our country heroes some credit, and hopefully turn some people on to some great REAL country artists.

I thought most notably in the list was that Dale Watson won “Best Kept Secret,” and though I have to say I was surprised at this at first, it makes complete sense to me.

Out of all the great REAL/Underground/Outlaw bands and artists we all like, the two that should receive the most credit for being the pioneers are Wayne ‘The Train’ Hancock and Dale Watson. They were the ones that came before Hank III, revitalizing that real country sound. But nowadays maybe we don’t pay as much attention to them as we should, since they are such established artists who’ve been doing their thing for years. I wrote about Dale in my second blog ever and I try to mention him as much as I can, but for those who don’t know about one of the true legends of country music, and more importantly, and fighter for REAL country, here you go:

Oh, and one last thing. It’s someone’s birthday. The hint is 1 + 2 = ???

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